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Discover more posts about kitties, cute animals, kitteh, kitty, animal friends, cat video, and cats. CAT BRAT squish Electra pouncival tumblebrutus. I took a picture of my cats eariler laying together and it made me think of how childe might drape himself across us to make us feel safe, warm, comfy, or whatever other happy fluffy feeling emotions. Watch more Cats videos on Know Your Meme. After a quick run to the library for a copy of a textbook she felt she needed for a paper, Emily walked back to the house in the warm summer air, taking advantage of the beautiful sunshine along the way as she turned the corner towards home.There was an unexpected buzz in her pocket, which she pulled out, taking in Cassius’ name along the screen as she answered. See a recent post on Tumblr from important-animal-images about cats.